a job

 To this moment of my life, I never have a job but I wolud like to have one. I see many types of jobs, preferably I like a cargo job, for its facility. Except I always wanna to be a cook.

I love this kind of job 'Cause I realy like to cook, my mom taught me how to do it, but to the job you need to be more experience, have better and faster skills in the kitchen, and to be hired you need a two-year or four-year culinary degree. however depends on the employer.

I think I have some experience to do the job, but  I need to improve more my skills. With the time I'll getting better to it. I always watched a lot of tv cook shows, then I pass it ot Youtube. In general many things encourage me to like this type of job but I think my mum is my big inspiration, she always cooked in the house, and for the last year she and my dad started to sell pizzas, they did it for six months, they sold a lot of  it, one day they made like 22 pizzas, was a lot of work but it was fun and the pizzas were very delicious.

In conclusion I like a lot to cook, I think I would love to work on this type of job, for me and for the people I'll cook. And for learn more of this job I think I need to work on it, like try to get hire and get experience in the procces, or study a gastronomy carrer.



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