my experiece with english

 The first time I learn English was in 5th grade, until that moment I never tried to understand it, but just in that moment English was introduced to my school. I didn't learn a lot, only a few words I remember, until I reach 7th grade, I change schools, adn in the new one I learn a lot of the rules fo the language, and in that moment I put the most of my cultural radar in English.

Theres a lot of thing of this language, and some of this are easy to me, like get the big idea of a phrase, the second year learning English in a good way. Maybe I didn't know the most of the words or the grammar itself, but I already could understand the meaning of a large sentence. Regarding what complicates me about this language, I would say the pronunciation, beacause I think I confuse the spanish pronunciation with the English one,  I always think about a certain word pronunciation, and the most of the time get it bad, and sometimes I don't talk very loud so I think I can't be understood.

How I say I think I have a bad pronunciation of English, so out of the class a try to practice that, but theres no one to pratice, so I talk with myself, and later check if I did it right in the google translate (with the hearing option).

In other terms, I think know Eglish is very useful, beacause is the most globalized language, a lot of information, entertaiment, are in English, and if you go to another country, in the most advance zone probably theres gonna be someone who talk it too. So you don't need to learn all of other language for every country you go, probably only the basics.

And for the last thing I really don't know much about English culture, but I think maybe I would like the environtment it has, I watched few shows with this Engilsh atmosphere, one I can think right now is the show "Stranger Things", I liked a lot and found interesing the culture differences it has with us, beside of all the science fiction.


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