A beatiful landmark

 Hello there, today I'm gonna talk about a memorable landmark I visited a few times in the past, called "Cueva del Pirata" in Quintero. Since childhood, the place I visited the most was the beach of Quintero, because my family have a house near there, that is share with all of us. So one time like 7 years ago with my parents, brother, cousins, grandfathers, uncles and aunts, take a deviate from the beach ando go to the cave. I remember there was a restuarant before the cave, we ate something first and then we went there. That was my first time entering in a cave, in that moment I was amazed from it. The enter of it is in the beach, but when you get in and walk a little, you get to this part connected with the sea that have those beatiful colors, is kinda dificul to walk in there because the ground is only stones, adn all of them are wet thanks to the water, I remember my grandmother to taking some snails from this cave, that she cooked later that day


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