Something you enjoy doing outdoors

 Hello everyone, there are few things I enjoy doing outside, the first come to my mind are, walk, run and hiking. Before pandemic I always was  a sedentary person, only playing videogames and studyig, the only moment I walked was the way to the school and back home  but in pandemic that impair me in such a way that in an instant I couldn't generate any type of force with the muscles in my legs, itu was only a few seconds, but thar change my mind, to do some exercise and like it and miss walking, so now I try to walk more and I really enjoy it

For runnig I started this semester because a sports subject, I usally do it in the park San Borja right next to the college, and I really like it as a different way to train and for be the few instances I give a time for rest from other classes, the last time I did it was this week. 

I went hikking very few times, usally with my family to go out for a while, I think I did this like six times and the most of it was on the hill behind my house, I like a lot this activity for differents reasons, one of them is to enjoy the views and ambient, another reason is to rest and walk some, and for the last to share wiht my family, the last time I did it was like 3 months ago.   



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